Freemie stock arrives tomorrow, place your order as it moves super FAST! January 8, 2015 11:42

It's true, we are constantly in awe of the demand and how fast it moves so we advice our customers to place your order and make payment to avoid disappointment - we will always strive to have stocks on hand (we generally do!) and keep the communication open and honest re availability!

Bestsellers for Freemie:

  1. Collection cups for Philips Avent
  2. Deluxe Freemie Freedom Pump

My fav advice to mothers who want to pump on the go as well as use the Freemie with their existing pump --> Buy the Freemie Equality for true pumping on the go (on the mrt, at the dinner table, strolling through the mall, while watching a movie) and the Avent connection kit to use the same collection cups with your existing pump! The collection cups are interchangeable :)

Happy pumping!
